The Wexford County Council on Aging is an independent 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization that depends upon donations to sustain our programs.
When you make a donation to the Wexford County Council on Aging, you will be helping provide important services and programs to seniors in our county. Some of these services include homemaking services, personal care services, respite services and more.
Your tax-deductible donation can and will make a world of difference in the life of an area senior.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (231) 775-0133.
100% of all contributions are retained by the Wexford County Council on Aging.
The Wexford County Council on Aging is an independent 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
Gifts to the Wexford County Council on Aging are tax deductible under appropriate I.R.S. regulations. Consult your tax or legal advisor for details.
We need your support to continue to provide caring and professional services to the seniors of Wexford County. The need is greater than ever as the population over the age of 60 rises and our traditional funding sources diminish.
There are many ways to contribute to the Wexford County Council on Aging, now and in the future, that may fit your interests.
Ask for gifts to the Wexford County Council on Aging as a memorial in lieu of flowers.
As you prepare your legacy for your family and community, please consider including the Wexford County Council on Aging as part of your plans. Please remember us in your estate planning or simply have your attorney add an addendum to your will. Your bequest to the Wexford County Council on Aging will benefit many seniors and help us to continue vitally needed services for years to come.
You can be assured we will continue to be good stewards of your gifts. If you would like to designate your gift to a specific program or in memory or honor of an individual, please let us know and we will do our best to meet your wishes.
Telephone: 231-775-0133
Fax: 231-779-0677
Wexford County
Council on Aging
714 W 13th St.
Cadillac, MI 49601
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